Specific AUTODRON outputs

AUTODRON output examples Ford

360° videos, 360° view of vehicles and a series of product photos in the interior of the car showroom

— Testing in a real car showroom environment Ford Kačmáček

AUTODRON output video samples

360° product videos of vehicles from different flight heights and a series of product photos

— Testing in a real car showroom environment Opel TUkas a.s.

AUTODRON output sample

360° view and image sequence captured in indoor showroom

— Functionality troubleshooting in indoor showroom Srba Servis Jíloviště

AUTODRON output sample

360° view and image sequence captured at different heights above the ground

— Functionality troubleshooting in indoor showroom

AUTODRON output sample - SWM G03F

360° view and image sequence captured at different heights above the ground

— Shooting of the vehicle SWM G03F TIGER for presentation purposes.

AUTODRON output sample

360° view and image sequence captured at different heights above the ground

— Shooting and troubleshooting product image and video assets in indoor showroom of company Ford Kačmáček.

AUTODRON output sample - Testování v Srba Servis

360° view and image sequence captured in indoor showroom

— Functionality troubleshooting in indoor showroom Srba Servis Jíloviště

Shooting of motorcycle for presentation purposes - Gorex s.r.o.

360° view and image sequence captured at different heights above the ground

Shooting of motorcycle in Gorex Benešov company

AUTODRON output sample - Testování v Srba Servis s.r.o.

360° view and image sequence captured at dealership

Shooting of passenger and cargo vehicle for presentation purposes at dealership Srba Servis Jíloviště

Shooting of the Mazda6 for presentation purposes

360° view and image sequence captured at different heights above the ground

Shooting of the Mazda6 for presentation purposes

Sample of AUTODRON outputs - Opel Grandland

360° view and a series of different number of images per flight

Testing on the Opel Grandland

Sample of AUTODRON outputs - VW Tiguan

360° view and a series of 12 images per flight at different heights above the ground

Testing under adverse weather conditions on a VW Tiguan vehicle

ample of AUTODRON outputs - Toyota Corolla

360° views at different heights above the ground

Testing on the Toyota Corolla

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